Evelynn has been high winrate in SoloQ (especially in HIGHER elos) for months, yet Riot for some reason refuses to nerf her. And there is no sign that the new map changes will do anything to weaken her.

The issue with Evelynn is her passive. Once she hits 6 she has perma invisiblity that is unreliable to counter because you can only place one pink ward at a time. Her passive is literally a better Rengar ult. You think that warding her jungle could be effective, but that too is limited because you can only place so many wards (only three at most) and you also need to ward for mid lane/bot lane roams. Evelynn can bypass what makes other junglers limited: their ganks tend to be predictable. Even the likes of Zac/Kayn, which can usually bypass walls, have limited capability to do this and because they can’t become invisible, they still have predictable ganks. That is not even to mention the Warmog passive she has on her passive that means if you don’t 100>0 her she is going back to full health, usually outsustaining most enemies.

Also, no, invading Evelynn is not a reliable way to counter her. First, your jungler must actually know how to invade. Second, your teammates need to have priority, otherwise Evelynn’s teammates can help her against invades.

Neither are tanks, despite Evelynn being an assassin, since she has MR shred and % health damage (that scales with AP, being one of the few % health damage sources in the game to scale), as well as an pseudo-execute on her R that does massive damage against even tanks due to its insane base damage and scaling.

It is also baffling how Eve can get away with having Mejai as her core item. This item is supposed to be troll 99% of time, only being built as a win-more item, yet Evelynn can not only build it generally but it is also her core item due to how safe she is thanks to her passive.

So I am asking, why Evelynn has not been nerfed yet? Can someone give a light to this question and reply to why Evelynn supposedly doesn’t deserve nerfs?

  • lolmihirB
    10 months ago

    Hi, I actually play a ton of Evelynn and my thoughts are as follow;

    -the invis isn’t what make her broken/strong, its the absurd AP ratios specifically on her E and her R; E- (55/70/85/100/115 + 4% x [2.5% per 100 AP] max health, R- 125/250/375 + 75% AP [including 140% increased dmg to enemies under 30% health]… both numbers I gave are also not empowered (without charm)

    -her invis range is actually pretty large and late game, if you catch someone out, you can reliably one shot them but if they’re around 1+ enemies it can be really hard to get on top of them without Flash, the heal part of her passive does make her really strong tho

    -The sample size for Evelynn that I’m using (Masters+ NA) accounts for about 4,500 games and with a lower sample size, your W/R is bound to be higher statistically since the pick rate is lower. Graves, for example, has a similar win rate with about 14,000+ more picks which means he is consistently much stronger.

    -Any nerfs to a champion with a such a small sample size and no presence in pro would likely gut the champion to sub 48% W/R

    • Chinese_SquidwardOPB
      10 months ago

      -the invis isn’t what make her broken/strong, its the absurd AP ratios specifically on her E and her R; E- (55/70/85/100/115 + 4% x [2.5% per 100 AP] max health, R- 125/250/375 + 75% AP [including 140% increased dmg to enemies under 30% health]… both numbers I gave are also not empowered (without charm)

      Like I said, Evelynn is one of the very few champs with scaling on their percentage of max health damage ratio.

      Most champs have a base damage + flat scaling AND a percentage health ratio that doesn’t scale. Rumble’s Q, for example, works like this.

      Other examples of champs with scaling on their percentage health ratios are Amumu with his W, however Amumu cannot afford to build full AP most of time, and if he does he is squishy and one dimensional. Another example is Fiora with her true damage passive; however, Fiora IS meant to beat tanks and is balanced around that (Evelynn is not). Another example is Malzahar with his ult, but well, it is his ult. A last example: Rhaast (red Kayn) with his Q; however, Rhaast cannot afford to build full AD, lest him become squishy; Rhaast does not have Shadow Assassin’s qualities that let him build full damage in a viable way.

      Vayne was going to get her Silver Bolts (W) scale with AP. Do you know why it was removed before it came live? Because it was broken. It allowed her to absolutely destroy tanks without any form of counterplay (Vayne can still destroy tanks, but the AP scaling on her W meant she could build full AP and destroy them harder and faster, not letting them do anything in return).

      Why in the world does Eve’s E scale like this, then? She doesn’t deal true damage with her E like Vayne, but her W shreds MR, so in some cases it might as well be true damage too.

      • lolmihirB
        10 months ago

        Both champs are very different.

        -Evelynn E is melee (meaning it gets procced less often) Whereas Vayne W procs every 3rd auto

        -(on average a Vayne can auto 10 to upwards of 50 times depending on fight) so that equals 3-16+ Silver Bolts procs per fight consistenly with “no cooldown”.

        In a teamfight where Vayne can proc her W upwards of 15 times, Evelynn will only really be able to E once or TWICE max. Not all damage in the game is 1:1 comparable.