Against Milwaukee and Atlanta, Brown has flashed a better passing sense than we’ve seen in a while … maybe ever.

According to NBA tracking data, Brown is averaging 27.4 passes per game, leading to 3.4 assists, 0.6 secondary assists (hockey assists, or the pass that leads to the assist), and 6.8 potential assists (any pass to a teammate who shoots within one dribble of receiving the ball). Brown has created, on average, 9.4 points per game via his assists. 

But Brown has seen a noticeable bump in his numbers over the last three games. He has passed the ball 37 times per game, leading to 4.3 assists, 0.7 secondary assists, and 10.3 potential assists. Brown has created, on average, 13.3 points per game via his assists. 

The beauty of these numbers isn’t just that Brown seems to be seeing the floor better, getting off the ball sooner, and it’s benefiting the team. It’s that he’s doing it all without it impacting his own personal offense so far.