So, here I am, the unsung hero, Pos 5 Pudge.

Now, you’d think they’d understand. Midas on Pudge, unconventional, sure. But it’s all about that passive income, baby. I’m just doing Pudge things—wandering into the jungle with a dream and a Midas recipe.

As the minutes ticked by, I kept hooking, dismembering, and, oh yeah, pressing that golden hand of Midas every chance I got. The gold started flowing in like a river of inevitability. Towers fell, kills mounted, and our team, silenced by the efficiency of passive income.

Mid-game, I’m swimming in gold.

I’m just hooking and Midasing, trying to keep the dream alive.

The once cocky enemy team found their stride, and no amount of passive income could buy us the comeback we desperately needed. Hooks flew, dismembers landed, Lycan was howling in frustration, QOP was screaming in agony, and it was a losing battle. The ancient crumbled, the victory screen went to the other side, and there it was, my Midas in the end-game stats, mocking me.

Here I am, with a smile on my face, still chanting, “Passive income, baby!”

  • run4covaB
    10 months ago

    great satire piece.

    played the other day a ursa game vs a pudge that kept trying to hook me… after awhile i started walking into his hooks so he hit to just kill him in 3 swipes…didnt stop him

    pudge players are just built different

    • seiyamapleB
      10 months ago

      Love when I have a pudge that doesn’t realize hooking someone doesn’t mean the person is dead.

      One time I essentially told my lane partner, “you know what, just chill, the pudge will tell us when it’s time to kill”. Then, every time, pudge hooks me, we kill him. This happens like 3-4 times in line before he finally gave up.

  • discomunkiB
    10 months ago

    At first i was like eeuw pos5 pudge then i saw the midas thing and i squeeled, i cant even try to explain in how many languages i would shout on you as a pos 5 pudge coming to the lane with a glove of haste.