So I was thinking they threw Forbes back in the fire and gave him a lot of snaps today and thats why he was getting burned again. But lo and behold, this man only played 5 snaps. 5.

In just 5 snaps he managed to give up 2 humongous plays to AJ. Forbes is a liability beyond anything we could have imagined. Pretty much worst corner in the league levels currently and it just sucks. I hope he finds some type of confidence but this last game sure isn’t going to help.

Lastly, why is he even on AJ? The moment they saw Forbes on him the ball was going that way no matter what. he should not have seen a single 1 on 1 snap against him and we paid the price again.

  • rattlehead5644B
    11 months ago

    I’ll be honest. Didn’t even read your post. Just the title. . .Forbes shouldn’t be in at all. Seeing him on AJ brown today AGAIN blew my mind.

  • Salty_OrchidB
    11 months ago

    So you take a young struggling corner and sit him against Ridder and Tyrod Taylor but play him against the Eagles. Makes no sense