The Post-TI 2023 Shuffle will be recorded on this wiki.

Feel free to post any rumors, discussions, or your hot takes in this thread. If you have a source please include it in your comment so it can be added to the list. We have notifications turned on and will read the majority of the messages written in that thread in case any major news breaks out.

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  • run4covaB
    11 months ago

    my guesses:

    ENTITY // ATF joins - Watson Stormstormer ATF Kataomi Fishman (Creepwave reloaded)

    TSM will drop out of another esports - TSM leaves Dota

    Moonmeander/Ari join OG

    OG // Coach: Moonmeander - Yuragi BZM ??? Ari Kitrak

    SECRET // bring back Sumail, kick 2023 roster (Puppey, Sumail + Topson or Miracle stack???)

    Ame returns // Ame Somnus Chalice Fy

    EG // Csmile kicked, resign Csmile to kick him again

    SR // kicking Sabrelight - obviously RTZ cant be the problem

    ALLIANCE // stack w/ some leftover players around the likes of (Crystallis/Sabrelight/Taiga/Misha/ Timado/Bryle - maybe Cr1t), Loda will lose +5k more a day