It’s been exciting to see these Packers start playing better the last few weeks, but I would urge caution about their playoff chances. A team stocked so heavily with very young (but talented) players will have games where they rise up and beat teams you wouldn’t expect, but they will also blow it against teams they should beat easily.

For an experienced team with the same talent level, a playoff spot would be a pretty good bet. But first and second year players make lots of mistakes, and sometimes they come in bunches.

I believe the Packers can make the playoffs, but I would caution everyone not to set that as the expectation. If you start thinking the Packers are LIKELY to get to the playoffs, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • ThreeFactorAuthB
    10 months ago

    I view it as a win either way — either we get in the playoffs and much of the team gets their first playoff experience, or we don’t and we have good draft capital which isn’t a disappointment because we’re not a Super Bowl contender