“Complicated”/mechanical (Ksante, Zeri), simple (Vex, Briar, Naafiri), or gimmick champ (Viego) it seems like a large section of the community hates new champions just for being new. They’ll be perma banned on release regardless of strength, and people usually say something along the lines of don’t want to deal with new champions. So as someone who thinks new stuff is cool what’s the mentality of new champion haters? Mostly because it has little to nothing to do with whatever the champ is strong or not, most release with giga terrible WR and may even get hot fix buffed because they’re that bad. There’s just a section of the community who doesn’t want anything new?

  • BlakenedHeartB
    10 months ago

    I wouldnt call Milios kit overtuned. Its a strong kit but not overtuned i feel like

    Naafiri either, she just has insane numbers cuz she is Assassin Garen