Rox fan coming in peace ✌️

Over the course of the off season there was a bit of banter between fan bases and yada yada yada.

All that aside, I was discussing NBA in general with a friend last night, and the topic of the Pistons came up and we couldn’t quite put our finger on it.

My friend seems to think that you guys are tanking, I didn’t really agree and didn’t think that you’d bring Monty in to tank.

I know Cade has been a bit slow getting into gear, but when I actually thought about how the franchise has drafted and signed, it made me a little confused.

3 x point guard with high draft selections - Cade, Ivey, Hayes.

4 x bigs who just don’t seem to be any better than each other (I know 2 were signed as FA) - Stewart, Bagley, Wiseman. Duren the only one that stands out (if he’s healthy).

Bought in a great head coach and paid him a Mack truck full of money. A lot of high picks and probably a couple more to come.

I guess I’m really just wondering what your opinions are as to why it’s been such an early season struggle ? And do you guys see it being turned around this season?

Remember, my Rockets were the laughing stock of the league last year, and now no body enjoys playing us. It can all change very quickly.

  • aTROLLwithBladesB
    10 months ago

    Lots of injuries to our floor spacing vets, a completely new coaching staff that is attempting to assess what they have, and players not performing as well as they are paid to.

    The very young players just don’t know how to win NBA games yet. There’s countless mistakes and open 3s not taken and when they are taken they miss all to often, there’s unfortunately effort issues from the backup bigs to the young potential star leader, and likely a lack of play discipline