Hey there, it’s me. This is just me sharing my opinion on the new special since it panders towards me in a sense.

I agree with every point the special is making; not every movie needs to be this big preach.

Like, as a gay person, I’m tired of Disney, HBO, Netflix, all these big companies that make a blank state out of great material.

Of course there is great gay shows - (The Owl House, Atypical mm.) but those have something else to keep you watching where the gay is front and centre.

Let me use The Owl House as an example. A teenage girl is thrown into a world of demons and must traverse her way back to the human realm.

Cool plot point, right? However by Season 1 episode 16 “Enchanting Grom Fright” it’s made clear that there is going to be a lesbian relationship between the human girl and a demon girl name Amity.

However, they address this in Season 2, Episode 8 “Knock knock knockin on hooty’s door” where Amity and the human girl -Luz get together.

And that’s the last time that it was brought up and the show continued like normal, just with them being in a relationship

I’m getting sidetracked, my point is - there can be homosexuality and social issues in a show with out it “pandering”.

And it also feels like by Disney that they’re trying to “make up” for past homophobia so now they’re really just pushing gayness on to everything they can and use it as a sort of shield, if that makes sense.

Anyway, this is just one gay person’s opinion, feel free to comment your own - straight or not. If you read all this - thank you.

  • gummythegummybearB
    10 months ago

    The points made in the episode are very fair, big companies should stop acting like we care because their main character is gay, but people on twitter should stop whining like baby’s because the main male character likes cocks instead of tits

  • ConfidentReaction3B
    10 months ago


    Jokes aside, I’m gay too. Personally, I love LGBT stories. I LOVED Rocketman, a whole damn movie about a gay musician.

    When Hollywood, Disney, all of that put gay people in things for the sake of diversity points, and censor it for other countries that don’t accept it, it’s obnoxious. It’s fake representation. That’s the pandering. Real representation is what is important.

    • Prudent-Feed-8488OPB
      10 months ago

      So true. Like don’t just write a gay character for pity or diversity points. Make them human, give them flaws, don’t just give them hardships.

      Like I said, Disney is just trying to make up for the homophobia they had in the past and they’re trying too fucking hard.

  • Phorescent_B
    10 months ago

    I forget who wrote this line, but it was from a video essay that I really liked about writing characters of certain, typically unrepresented identities.

    If you want a good gay character, write a good character, then make them gay. Same with any other minority or identity. Character writing comes before identity if you want a good story.

    If the story is centered around their struggles with that identity that’s fine, but in certain media it seems like “I’m the character that’s gay! That’s it!” rather than “I’m a complex character that moves the story that happens to be gay!”.

    Either way though, I hate seeing a well written character of certain identities be bashed despite being well written, and I also hate seeing characters that are very obviously meant to pander.

  • WatchBloodRainB
    10 months ago

    It’s like in the new little mermaid how all of Ariel’s sisters are a different ethnicity, king trident must have a harem

  • mellowfellow261B
    10 months ago

    Very insightful perspective. Personally, I think another possible explanation for why Disney and all these other companies are pandering to so many minority groups is mainly because that’s where the money is. Yes, a lot of executives at Disney in particular may feel bad because of the companies bigoted past, but I don’t think they’d be pushing it quite so hard if that was the only reason. Especially since 2020, social progressivism has become really popular in pop culture, so there’s a big market incentive to peddle diversity and inclusion so much.

    That’s not to say that diversity and inclusion are bad things. Of course it’s an amazing thing that we can have actors and characters with diverse backgrounds and whatnot. But I think people are starting to catch on that the “Panderverse” is, well, just that. Pandering in an inauthentic and potentially ill-intentioned manner.