Continuing my quest to choose a rig with lots of memory, one possibility is dual socket MBs. Gen 1 to 3 EPYC chips have 8 channels of DDR4, so this gives 16 total memory channels, which is good bandwidth, if not beating GPUs, but can have way more memory (up to 1024GB). Builds with 64+ threads can be pretty cheap.

My questions are

  • Does the dual CPU setup cause trouble with running LLM software?
  • Is it reasonably possible to get windows and drivers etc working on ‘server’ architecture?
  • Is there anything else I should consider vs going for a single EPYC or Threadripper Pro?
  • nero10578B
    10 months ago

    Dual CPUs would have terrible performance. This is because the processor is reading the whole model everytime its generating tokens and if you spread half the model onto a second CPU’s memory then the cores in the first CPU would have to read that part of the model through the slow inter-CPU link. Vice versa with the second CPU’s cores. llama.cpp would have to make a system to spread the workload across multi CPUs like they do across multi GPUs for this to work.