Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r4lim/the_throwingint_deaths_at_mid_from_scout_and/
IWD response to my post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMgbK1x52rQ&ab_channel=IWDClips%26Highlights
I got lots of heat and hate in my previous post about Faker’s micromovement. Non-T1 fans and IWD mocked me about how dumb/stupid the post was about. But hey, Faker had a live-stream reviewing every single T1 game in Worlds. During the review on T1 vs LNG, Faker himself explained what happened.
Faker’s response (1:53~2:07): https://youtu.be/38H_lcL7e-U?si=u-JW3rJt3Hjmntp9&t=113
- Translations:
“Azir is csing the minions here (in the circle)”
“I am purposely giving him the range to toss me into the tower”
“Azir is probably looking at the minion (arrow) right now and he is probably thinking ‘I should toss him after this melee minion’. But if I turn on W and just move slightly back like this, Azir gets a disadvantage. Just like that.”
Ngl the title of your original post looked like satire so I didn’t bother reading it. And Tarzan’s play was a fuck up, idk how you can say he did not make a mistake lol. You’re the kind of ass-kissing T1 fan that makes everyone hate us