Primarily in my life ive been a console gamer. Starting with the ps1 and owning every system released since. Never did much pc gaming even when i had access to a decent rig. For the past few years ive been a collector. Going for rare and cool retro games i always wanted to own. After about a year with the steam deck it all feel so… archaic? Like, i went and hdmi modded my ps2, but i find the idea of booting up pcsx2 on deck more appealing. I dont feel the need to have a new game in my hands physically, when i know its gonna take me months to play it anyway, i can wait for a sale, get it cheaper, play it portably with mods. Console gaming, especially in the last 2 generations, feels like a hinderance more than anything. Why would i want to be tied to one piece of hardware, with a dubious at best chance of carrying my games forward to the next gen every 6 years? The steam deck feels like its released me from the shackles of console gaming. I dont think ill get rid of my whole collection… but my ps5 and xsx have been doing a lot of dust collecting these days.

Anyone else feel the same? Or have i just had an existential gamer crisis?

  • ArsRegia23B
    1 年前

    It’s replaced my consoles entirely.

    I got a Steam Deck to get away from the AAA/PSN/Xbox OnePass or whatever it’s called mindset, and I’ve never had any interest in PC gaming.

    Consoles evolved the way cable TV did. Early cable didn’t have commercials; you already paid for content delivery by paying for cable. Now cable TV has wall-to-wall commercials just like air TV and you pay for cable also. The main reason I haven’t watched any TV at all in … decades.

    That’s how consoles work these days. Sony, MS & Nintendo want subscription fees, shark cards, all that bullshit, on top of buying the games and the consoles themselves.

    I tried to give my PS4 to a relative and even they didn’t want it. ‘Last gen’ blah blah blah.

    My Xbox is a dedicated DVD player ever since my DVD blu-ray player kicked the bucket.