Ever since I installed the conversion I’ve had to use 3 helper springs, 1 for each carb to pull the butterflies closed. Without the springs the butterflies get stuck, only with the car running

Recently I have had to pull the throttle pedal up with my foot the last one percent of travel to make sure the throttle closes back to idle. Sometimes it’s more severe and the throttle stops returning around 2000-3000 rpm. Usually it’s stuck at 1500rpm when idle is around 800rpm

At first I thought it was the back of the throttle arm rubbing on the firewall, shaved it -didn’t work

Put hinge grease on all the linkages - didn’t work

What am I missing?

  • alltheusernamesargayB
    10 months ago

    these cars are drive by cable, so what you can either do is 1: put a higher tension spring on each of the throttle linkages on the actual carbs, or you can attach a custom return spring onto the pedal itself.