i wouldn’t say yone is op, his winrate is pretty alright, statistically, he is “bad” in top in most ranks, however, his kit is kinda absurd. he has as much burst as an assassin, he has a safe way to get in and get out, he has an aoe ultimate that may decide teamfighting, he has CC, he has DPS, etc…
so he has an ok (i’d say even it’s good tbh) early game and a fantastic mid/late game
his damage is plainly obscene. it’s weird how easy it is to get kills with yone compared to almost any character, your E+stacked Q is almost a guaranteed kill against any squishy past the twenty minutes with no counterplay if you’re coming from the fog. he has to spend nothing to earn easy kills
it’s weird some characters get the standard late-game character treatment which is: they start real weak and get strong like kayle, vladimir, kassadin, meanwhile, some characters like yone are simply allowed to stay strong throughout entire game and duel the “late game beasts”. i swear, i’d take yone over kayle/sivir/vayne anytime of the day. as strong as vlad/kass are, if they do something wrong, yone will blow them up. playing against yone is a time bomb, his clear wave + dueling makes him a side lane threat worse than any illaoi/yorick
Honestly it’s not yone, it’s hull breaker, that item is far far too overtuned