It’s time to call a spade a spade. Bill, the game has moved on and its time for you to take a seat to something worse for the next 5 years while we rebuild. We have to have a GM with a vision to rebuild this team from inside out. A QB or a WR1 is not what is keeping us from being in the playoffs. I believe we have an awesome opportunity with a top draft pick to get some much needed draft capitol. If we were to establish a new directive to start in the trenches and rebuild this team from the inside out we would be competitive in 3 years. However, due to 20 years of success, there is no patience in the ranks of fans, media, or ownership. We have shown the patience with Bill, but it is not trending well. I admit I am not the most in the know fan, however I have been around the league and watched several teams rebuild. You can go the one of two ways, insta fix or plan for the future.

Build from the inside out and we will be successful in 3 or 4 years. Just my opinion.