Ana: bioticnade cooldown back to 10s Duration of bioticnade effects on tank heroes reduced by 1 second
Lifeweaver: healing and life grip range reduced from 30 to 25 meters
Mercy: res duration increased from 1.75 to 2 seconds.
Baptiste: damage reduced from 25 to 24 Biotic launder direct healing reduced from 70 to 65. Splash healing reduced 50 to 45. Immortality field cast time increased from 0.8 to 1.0 second.
Illari: damage reduced from 75 to 70 from full charged shot. Turret now has a maximum duration of 35 seconds before it has to be set up again. Ultimate charge slightly increased.
Kiriko: health reduced from 200 to 175. Suzu splash area of effect slightly reduced.
Did I cook?
my proposed nerfs:
• remove all heroes