Fell back into another Fallout and Elder Scrolls kick. What are the craziest stories or pieces of lore that you know of? For instance, I think one of the wildest things is all the weird experiments that occurred in the Vault courtesy of Vault-Tec, and how each one seemed to have some unique and horrific backstory.

  • WrongdoerDesigner15B
    10 months ago

    For me it’s the disappearance of the entire dwemer race after trying to tamper with the heart of lorkan and to this very day we have NO idea where they are, if we accept what falion said when you ask if he’s an expert on vampirism he’ll say the following “I know many things. I have studied things beyond the reach of most humans, traveled the oblivion planes, seen things one should not see. I have met daedra and dwemer and everything in between” it could very well be the dwemer are in an plane of oblivion we just don’t know where

  • dataentryportalB
    10 months ago
    1. How vampires were made in the Elder Scrolls always stood out to me cause of how shocking it was.
    2. The Lovecraft inspired stuff in Fallout was also always interesting and is a lot different than the main feeling of fallout and leans into more mystical aspects.