Figure this is the n-th complain about such issue but I feel like if I don’t vent here I might go literally insane.

I recently reached Divine 1 and one of the habit I’ve developed reaching that point was watching replays. I’ve notice almost if not all games that lost due entirely to my teamates often have spanish speakers in it. Now this is no way to stray away from games lost entirely on myself, but that is a different issue. Most toxicity comes from spanish speakers and I don’t know if they are selfware of this.

Seriously I will pay good money and willing to wait 20 minutes for a game, rather than having spanish speakers on my team.

  • bluemango404B
    10 months ago

    “I will pay good money and willing to wait 20 minutes for a game, rather than having spanish speakers on my team.”

    You say this but it’s not the reality. Find 4 other english speaking teammates if that’s your 100% requirement lol. Spoiler, you probably cant.