This might be too much Tin Foil Hat for some but most pro sports are most likely rigged tbh. Why wouldn’t they be? Because the league tells us they’re not? There is just too much money involved for people to not get greedy. There are dishonest people in every business, it would be foolish to believe this one is any different. They put it right in front of our face with Scott Foster and we just have to sit here and hope that he is on “our side” for the night. The people that make decisions in this industry quite honestly just have too much at stake to not be involved. Tim Donaghy was caught fixing games and had one of the highest ratings of a ref while doing it, so obviously it’s really not that hard to conceal. I still love the game of basketball, and every single game is most likely not rigged. I’m sure even the games they try to rig don’t always go the way they want them to, but I think we would be naive to not assume there will be games that are fixed in this industry.