I think the most frustrating thing right now is, what do we have?

What do we have in Love? Is he struggling bc no one gets open? Are the receivers running bad routes? Does he just not have the arm/accuracy? Is he unable to make reads fast enough?

What do we have in our receivers? Same thing as above. is it them? is it Love? A combination?

This goddamn defense. I don’t even know what to say, it’s a clusterfuck.

Idk it’s just really frustrating. I don’t expect them to win much this year. At the same time, I would expect them to look like they’re improving. How many weeks now have they come out like they’ve never played before in the first half. They do nothing well in any phase of the game.

  • Yzerman19_B
    11 months ago

    We have zero players on offense who start for the Vikings or Lions. Think about that.