quickplay, in theory, is a cool idea. pick 2 roles, a champ per role, queue up. accept queue pop and youre in game. no dodges, no pre game shenanigans, no champ bans. you get to play your champion, even if they are usually a high ban rate champion! except, not really. let me explain.

because riot makes you pick a priority role, and since its, well, a priority role, it often feels like you still get autofilled. or, if not you, one of your teammates does. this, as we all know, can ruin game quality because they will int (or at the very least fall behind) because they dont know what theyre doing with that role. its not like we can get mad at them either, they didnt wanna play that role. i personally think that MAKING players choose a priority role in quickplay is a bad idea.

“but you should know how to play more roles anyway, or maybe youll end up liking it.” im queuing up quickplay. its called QUICKplay for a reason. i may not have time to go and learn a new role and champion for it (leads into my next point in a moment). or, i might just not want to play anything but talon mid, or renekton top, or samira adc. you might just chill for a bit and play your favorite champ for a game or two after work, school, or what have you. forcing autofill in such a gamemode tends to do more harm than good. a lot of people (myself included) see quickplay and think that its the perfect gamemode for jumping into a game without worrying about bans or picks being taken so you can have a bit of fun, or in some people cases, test out pbe builds. but, then we have to pick a secondary priority role which can get really frustrating when you just wanna play a certain champ or role, but get forced into priority and spend 15 minutes (or longer) in a game you didnt want to play on a champion you dont want to play.

my second point, champ restrictions. whenever you pick a champion in a role, you cant pick them in any other role, even if its a priority role. this somewhat builds on my other point of people who may just wanna only play one or two champions, but it would also serve another purpose. if we MUST keep autofill, at the very least, if we allow people to choose one champion for both roles it would mean that if they get autofilled, they at least know what theyre doing with their champion, which can help ease stress of playing a different lane, and would help them go even or potentially even win lane in some cases.

the solution? my suggestion for a solution is fairly simple (at least id like to think). whenever someone is picking their champs and roles, first off, unlock champions to be played in both selected roles. secondly, when a player is picking their secondary role, still mark which roles are priority and, if they dont select one of the priority roles, a message pops up on screen that says something to the effect of “WARNING: You have no priority roles selected. This may lead to longer queue times. Selecting a priority role can make getting into games faster.” Maybe lock the button for 2-3 seconds to get the player to read the message, then let them continue to either queue up or potentially change their mind and go priority secondary role.

this is based off my personal experience and opinions, id like to hear what everyone else thinks and what feedback you may have.