These are mostly just my own opinion of what I think will make a fun game without any major reworked abilities. My stance is that not every hero should be viable at all ranks, thats just impossible for this kind of game. I also aim to just make the game less aggravating to play for all roles. Are these changes biased?? Hell yea. Do I care hell no. I at least did try to be somewhat fair and not just do absurd things.

I personally think that there should be 3 passives per role, and each hero has a different passive, so tank potentially could have [CC Immunity], [Knock Back Resistance], or [When swapping retains 25% ult]. Just examples Im not here to think of passives but I do think a change in the passives each hero has would greatly improve the game.

Again these are my personal takes on changes to be made. What would you do (within reason ofc)? Also if you have reworks I wanna hear them too!


  • Movement speed penalty for fusion cannons back to 40%

  • Micro Misile speed increased back to 40

These changes were just unnecessary.


  • Removes the slow from slam and ult. [Why is this a thing. Doomfist is already god awful to play into without him being able to CC on everything he does. One ability per hero gets CC]


  • Fortify now incurs a 40% movement speed penalty [Orisa is a wall, make her that way give her some downsides she might live forever but she doesnt move much.]

  • Javelin Cooldown +2 Seconds


  • Punchy arms cooldown increased by 1. [Again a very unnecessary change, he was only bad due to other heros]


  • If he uses all of take a breather he now has to wait the full cooldown [This is just like a bunch of other heros. Just makes him less annoying and actually kill able if you use the ability badly]


  • Shield Generator cool down increased 2 seconds [While giving him a jack of all trades ability with secondary fire, its just seems to make sense to take it out of something else.]


  • Turret form has an additional 20% movement speed penalty [you should be able to LOS this ability easier, its kinda dumb that he can chase you down with the highest dps in the game.]


  • Maximum amo for shurikans down to 24 from 30. [I considered adding like a 2 second cooldown for double jump, or just removing his speed passive. I also have no idea who likes playing into Genji, Genji metas are terrible… exhibit A, this meta. Exhibit B seasons 1+2. I will not elaborate.]


  • Lunge cool-down increased by 2 seconds [All I have to say is fok em. /j But really Hanzo has high survival the change to decrease lunge was… something and not a good something he really doesnt need to be moving as much as he can with how ridiculous his damage is.]

  • Sonic Arrow now tells players they are revealed similar to how a revealed sombra says it. [Now widows ult isnt on cooldown and gives a bit more highlight to that ultimate.]


  • Primary fire decreases on damage and size each time it bounces. [Big damage should be rewarded with skill, so direct hits.]


  • Revert her revert. [She does they whole deep chill thing etc etc, less damage is less of a pain]


  • Primary fire spread decreased 5%

  • Railgun secondary fire cant headshot, but does 150 damage at full charge.

  • Railgun charge now decreases after 1 second (Ult is not effected)


  • Helix rocket splash damage reduced 30%

  • Biotic Field now healing per second decreased to 35 from 40

Sombra: [The goal here is to either make it so her engagements are a little easier to hide. Or to make it so her ultimate isnt so useless. While hack/emp are annoying they really serve as an interrupt and even then they are rarely used. A buff to EMP can make up for a lack luster hack ability]

  • Stealth now takes 10 damage to reveal a hidden Sombra

  • Translator max throw distance increased to 25 meters


  • EMP now cancels all ults that are in progress, ultimate’s cannot be used while hacked by an EMP

  • EMP ult charge required is increased by 15%


  • Spread decreased by 15%


  • Imortality Field only saves people up to 10% of their health.


  • Tottal HP now is 200 instead of 225 [He is already incredible at living having both shields and 225 hp plus the rest of his kit makes him very hard to kill]

  • Tree of life Ult charge increased 15%


  • Damage boost doesnt directly increase damage instead it increases fire rate. [Ngl im on the fence with this one with all the other nerfs across the board that I have put. But I think this is a nifty change that might have the same effect overall but it relies on the skill of the person getting boosted to actually get the benefit.]
  • AlphaCentauri79OPB
    1 年前

    There are like 4 heros I mention that I actively struggle into. The rest I’m considering the entire game instead of just one role, hero or rank.