I want to get out of the way the fact that I do not know networking. I work Desktop Support at my job so I have a pretty okay understanding of hardware. I use Fedora Linux at home and I am not scared of a terminal. When it comes to networking though it is a big shoulder shrug for anything outside my LAN. I would like to know more but it will take some time.

I have a project that is coming together to make a little NAS with a Pi4 that I have collecting dust. I have the hardware figured out, I will probably use OpenMediaVault, may just set up the SMB share myself, and if all I wanted is a NAS at home I would be golden. But I want to set up a Wireguard VPN because my ultimate goal is to replace my pCloud subscription. I have watched some tutorials on YouTube from larger channels like Networkchuck and Wolfgang, but I am confused specifically around the whole DNS thing.

I get that my public IP changes from time to time. I understand the need for a dynamic DNS to counter that. I purchased a domain from a registrar service up here in Canada and after the purchase the immediate next step was web hosting. Do I need to host the domain in order to use it for the Wireguard setup?