I’m finding it harder and harder to tell my wife that I’m buying a new watch. After about 4 watches, she can’t understand why I would buy more. I’m curious as to smartest or most interesting way that someone has used to get around this issue.
Just to be clear
I do not lie to my wife about buying watches or spend money beyond our budget. I am simply tired of getting comments like: “Why would you buy another watch when you have so many” followed by an eye-roll. I was wondering how people justify collecting watches to their significant other.
It was my fault for being unclear, but please, please stop responding by telling me not to lie to my wife or that we’re getting divorced. Just FYI we’ve been happily married for 7 years with two beautiful daughters. We’re goodDeception by omission is different than lying. After a certain point, they can’t tell them apart anyways. Get a P.O. Box if you really want to hide it.
Money disagreements is 1 of the biggest causes of divorce. Work it out, man. Above all, don’t lie about it.
I am the CFO of the household - my job is to take care of everyone and everything. If I am not putting us into any debts or financial hardships we cannot manage then I am free to do what I want. My bonus is basically free for me to spend on anything since I earned that through effort and hard work so that’s what I use.
Between that bonus i buy/sell/trade and keep watch numbers the same so it’s never oh you got so many watches it’s same number just a different piece
Just budget it in advance, so it is an expected and tolerable spending that is accounted for.
For example, for you, maybe $50 a month is fine. “Instead of doing XXX, I am putting that money aside for a watch”, or “let’s each put $50 a month to a fun/hobby account.” And, once you have enough money, you can get it. It’s clear, and each month, it’s a manageable amount. You and your wife can do it as a fun thing for both of you. Maybe she can use it for purse, jewelry, or something else.
Budgeting gives freedom, not restriction like a lot of people think. For example, if you don’t budget, you might feel bad for every time you go out and eat. But, if you already budgeted $200 for eating out, you can feel free and have fun going out as long as you stick to the budget. Same with watches, or other “fun” spending. Allow yourself that budget, and have guilt-free fun.
You dont wanna lie, you want her on board with the amount of money youre spending or you wanna be more choosy about your watches. She will find out eventually and its way uglier when it comes out you lied
I could’ve worded the title of my post a lot better. What I was trying to ask is what are the best/interesting/smartest ways you’ve used to justify buying watches to your significant other. I don’t want to lie and I don’t plan to lie to my wife … basically, how do I do this without lying. (I’m still new to using Reddit - is it not possible to edit the title of my original post?)
Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.