I’m almost done with the season and I can’t get over how wild these stories/characters are.

Geoffrey: the guy gives me the creeps. His eyes show hate/rage, yet he talks in this calm and pleasant southern-Bob Ross type voice. He’s constantly talking about what a changed person he is, yet he is clearly trying to hide his anger issues and is such a manipulator. His girlfriend just turned down his proposal and he’s trying to do everything possible to guilt her into saying yes. So gross. 🤮

David: another very creepy guy. Normally I’d have some empathy for the victim of a scam, but this guy doesn’t deserve it. He ignored every red flag and when his friends and the private investigator he hired hold him the same, he snaps on them. Even if she’s real, it’s pure insanity that this guy is still going along with this. This guy is gonna end up on Dateline. 👀

Yolanda: I can’t figure her out. She’s either the dumbest person in the world or she’s the scammer: using this for some kind of exposure. I have to believe it’s the latter because how can someone ignore so many red flags of this guy being a catfish and still make up excuses. He could literally tell her “I’m scamming you” and she would say “he must have been hacked again. Williams would never do that.” 😵‍💫

Ash: I knew something was off with him from the beginning. He has CRAZY EYES. He’s one of these guys who can talk a lot but ultimately say nothing of value. He’s clearly a misogynist. Anytime Avery calls him out on anything, he starts gaslighting hard. 🤪

Ed: really liked him early on and then he progressively became creepier and creepier. Everything is about him too. I remember a few episodes ago he told Rose he got gifts for her. In my head, I was like “I bet these gifts benefit him in some way.” Sure enough, lingerie and mouthwash. 💀

There are two bisexual women in a relationship in this season too, but their story was really boring so I started fast forwarding anything they’re in. I hope it didn’t become an interesting story.

Edit: changed “lesbian” to “bisexual.”