Looking for USB controlled plug recommendations.

Looking for a way to reboot my ISP equipment when a failure is detected.

I was thinking of running an old raspberry Pi 1 pinging and on failure turn off the power to the routers, wait a minute, and turn on the power again. Given that the wireless component might be the cause of the failure, I would like to have a wired connection to control the power.

What I am thinking of is something like a kasa smart plug but controlled by USB by the Pi.

I am a plug and play person and world not feel comfortable soldering something that uses 120v. Especially as it would be running 24/7.

Any recommendations?

  • yolobastard1337B
    10 months ago

    you could see if you can root your router, and then just do this as a cronjob, or install openwrt.

    also if you are scared of high voltages (fair enough) maybe the dc one that comes out of the power supply might be more friendly.

    or (i am clearly full of bad ideas today) maybe you can get a managed switch and power (and hence power cycle) via PoE