Hi everyone, I’m going to every NFL subreddit to see what each fan base wants for Christmas? So what do the Mile High faithful want for Christmas, I know you’re on a 5 game win streak maybe some more wins? Merry Christmas!

  • Impressive_Trust_395B
    10 months ago

    I will never ask for anything from the Broncos on Christmas again.

    It was a cold, snowy night on December 24th back in 2006. I was watching the game with my family. I was a 6th grade student, and I prayed to the football gods with my two younger brothers that something miraculous would happen as the Bengals lined up to kick their extra point. Within seconds, my prayers were answered. The snap sailed over the placeholder’s head. The Bengals wouldn’t be able to convert their extra point.

    Broncos win 24-23. That win alone would keep our wildcard hopes alive that year, only to be tarnished on New Years Eve by the 49ers in a heartbreaking 23-26 loss. The Chiefs went to the playoffs due to tie breaker rules. That’s when my hatred for the Chiefs grew.

    However, the magic I felt on that Christmas Eve will never fade. All was right with the world in my little 12 year old mind. And thus, I will never ask for anything else on Christmas Eve. For anyone who’s watched Inside Out, this is 100% without a doubt a core memory.

    Edit: 12-5 would be nice too