Rob Pelinka might need to bring back some of last year’s trade deadline magic if Jeanie wants her team to stay afloat in the West this year. Or do we really think the suggestions of LeBron playing point aren’t incredibly desperate?

  • Public-Product-1503B
    11 months ago

    Lost to the kings in an away game in ot: Reddit idiots = time to panic . Lakers were 2.5 pt dogs. I think some of lakers guard issue is being over tasked defensively without vando . That n compiling some contract n pick for a high quality 3nD wing slightly defensive oriented is maybe an easier need to fill and more desirable. Reaves shot 1-12 Bron 2-6 fts we lost in ot. I was more concerned if you know blowout ? We’ve had 3 tough games tbh too.