Numerous times I see DPS players both on my team and enemy team complain about the enemy Mercy. When you should be spending this energy complaining about Baptiste, Illari and Kiriko. Like a normal person. You are not allowed to complain about Mercy as long as Sombra is a character in this game. The main reason no one is killing the Mercy, is because no one is focusing the Mercy and only shooting her pocket and taking a 2v1. Respect the Mercy and kill her first. With one Tank in the game you can’t always play that one character you want to play in every comp (smurfs are an exception). This isn’t Overwatch it’s Counterwatch!

Do everyone a favour, instead of verbably abusing the Mercy player in chat and getting yourself banned, you can cause EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. Any time I play dps and I see the enemy team play Mercy, I get my ass off soldier and play Sombra (sombra is a very easy character to play, the rework made her the perfect spawn camper). YOU can be the reason a Mercy player switches to Moira or the reason someone has to get the Mercy player from spawn. Bonus points if you kill the escort on the way to get their Mercy. YOU, yes you can be the reason an e-couple starts flaming each other.

We know your dps hero main is really cool and you love them, but Blizzard just doesn’t love you back. We know you should be the main character of this story, but we have better options in the support role. So just queue for support, if everyone makes an effort to queue for support, Blizzard might do something!

Thank you for taking the time to read my frustrations and happy gaming!