So I recently bought and played the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes and have a question. Maybe I just missed it but where is the outrage over the Pay to Win DLC in both those (and I’m guessing 4) games?
I don’t personally care that the “unlock everything for $$” option exists but what bothers me is that I constantly see people shit all over Assassin’s Creed helix store which imo is way less egregious.
The AC store has mostly cosmetics with a few actual items that are still weaker than many you can find in the game. It also has the xp boosters which I see a lot of people complain about but in Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla I was max level by the halfway point without them. Lastly it has the time savers for resources which I also didn’t buy and still managed to have everything fully upgrades by the end just by gathering as I played. Oh, and all the stuff is available, albeit randomly, from the opal store in the game.
RE on the other hand has a DLC that gives you an infinite rocket launcher that trivialize the entire game even on the hardest setting.
Basically it seems weird to me that one is constantly brought up as predatory and the other just seems to be ignored.