Inspired from the post about the broken,fun,interesting long lost metas that were once there seasons ago, Kinda to continue I was just thinking about the old times in early seasons when there were things that were considered normal at that time in some period of time, but now would be super weird or completely different even if the thing which was done back then still exists now/ is possible.

I remmember some things for example:

  1. Every game in season 1, when leveling up account, I wrote 2/1/2 whenever game started- to explain how many players should go where, 2 top, 1 mid, 2 bot, sometimes even others wrote it, back then jungle for casual player was almost non existant, no one knew how to do it nor did it. Some players were so confused they didnt even understand where to go, so 2/1/2 was mostly the meta.
  2. In season 1 there was time when heal+celerity were the most common used summoners, it was even before barrier came out.
  3. After games in early seasons it was filled with ‘‘gg wp’’ whenever game ended, not like now when its so much more rare. Then it was normal to write ‘‘gg wp’’ not insta ‘’ alt +f4’’ to go out from the game. 5+ players writing it in all chat every time. There was fewer toxicity and less cringe ego players back in the day( Maybe this part is skewed and bias tho from my experience)
  4. In season 1 no one built champions correctly, there were times in casual 1000-1200 elo, where almost every ad champion especially adcs would go phantom dancer+infinity+blood thrister or multiple phantom dancers and when I say almost every, I literally mean it.

  • winwillB
    10 months ago

    When League came to Asia nobody except the Koreans(thanks broodwar) knew what gg means. And because gg sounds very similar to penis(pp) in Mandarin people would get super confused if you type gg at the end of the game.