Hey everyone, new around here and would appreciate advice on how best to consolidate and keep my home storage setup from getting convoluted while serving my needs on a professional and personal side of things. Here’s my situation:

I’m a full time music producer, working primarily from home. I have a home studio computer where I dump all completed projects (ready for archive) to a 12TB Seagate External USB Drive. This drive backs up to Backblaze for redundancy. One day I will stretch beyond the 12TB mark but for now i’m sitting at about 4TB for all my “professional projects”. I have a few more drives inside my PC which also back up to Backblaze.

Additionally, on our home network I would like to set up a Raspberry Pi functioning as a Plex Media Server (mainly just for streaming within the home as I have a large library of concert blu-rays converted to MKV etc.) which I like to keep for archival and digital version means less clutter.

I am trying to figure out if there is a good solution where I can back up all my production work to a local storage device and ALSO store all personal media, etc all in one unit. But the catch is Backblaze does not support NAS devices or anything it considers to be a “remote storage device”; instead it has to be a drive physically attached to whichever computer is running the Backblaze software/license. And I do not want to leave my studio computer running all the time to serve as a Plex server, nor do I want that additional strain on the studio computer processing Plex demands while I’m trying to work on projects (hence the efficient (and separate) Raspberry Pi route).

Any suggestions out there for how I can combine all of this into one larger mass storage unit that everything can access while still being able to backup said unit to Backblaze? I’m wondering if I can get like a OWC Thunderbay and attach that to my studio computer as a mass storage device, and then somehow have the Raspberry Pi also access it even though Backblaze needs to technically view it as an external drive.

If I can’t do that, then my thought is to have the following at my home setup:

  1. Studio Computer with External 12TB drive which syncs to Backblaze
  2. Raspberry Pi w/ large storage device attached which contains all media/personal files etc.

Would love a more “all-in-one” solution if there’s any suggestions :-)