Hey y’all!

I caved in and bought an OLED deck, and I have my current, LCD model pouting at me. I had a 1TB microSD in there, and all of my games are installed to it. My plan is to just simply put this microSD into my new Deck after initial setup and add it as an install location in Desktop mode. I saw a few posts in this sub (filtering out posts within the last few months) saying this should be fine, but I’m curious if someone has successfully tried this?

I’m mostly trying to avoid redownloading anything, most of the games I want to keep are 30+ GB and somehow my household uses about 1.1 TB of our 1.2 TB of data Xfinity allows every month.

I’ve seen some people say if you don’t have the Proton version necessary for a game, downloads may be required. Would this just be for the required Proton version?

Any help and insight is much appreciated!