=> Too many priorities: We prioritise everything and have a long to-do list. So naturally, we feel overwhelmed and start procrastinating.
=> Low-impact tasks: We do not analyze the impact of tasks that we are doing.
=> Rabbit hole called Internet: Constantly distracted by the new information ( ah, the dopamine).
=> Out of sight, out of mind: We planned, prioritized, and wrote all our tasks in a to-do list app or a notebook but forgot to check/review them regularly.

I have created a small Chrome extension:
- It allows you to write only 3 critical tasks of the day. But you have to decide the criticality. (Cut tasks, the 80/20 rule really works)
- Show your tasks every time you open a new tab. ( continuous reviewing)
- All tasks remain stored in your browser. (Privacy first)
- Everyday tasks get reset to give the day a fresh start. (Forces you to revisit priorities every day)
Give it a try (it’s free), and let me know your thoughts =>