I’d love to say the offense will improve from here on out and we could win out and go 13-4 but that’s not very realistic. Could happen. Probably won’t. So that being said, will it be 12-5 or 11-6. Obviously the ravens will be a nailbiter and will probably decide who wins the North. One game that worries me is the patriots. Say what you want about Belicheck, post Brady, but one thing that man knows how to do is defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers. Either way, I think we have exceeded expectations from a lot of non steelers fans, considering all I heard was we will be in the basement of the AFC North will be either 9-8 or 8-9.

  • putterbumB
    10 months ago

    I think 12-5 is a decent and ballsy pick. 13-4 is almost impossible you never know