Why is that the sportmanship in Overwatch 2 is at an all-time low?
Especially on Youtube, Tiktok and Reddit, the discussion about the game is horrifically bad and unconstructive.
People blaming each other, thinking that playing a certain role in the game makes them the most important person in the community. You have DPS players trash talking Supports, Supports trashing Tanks, Tanks trashing DPS…it’s just a cesspool of toxic indivualidty in a team based game.
Seriously just go into the comment section of any discussion video about Overwatch and there are dozens and dozens of comments trashtalking a certain role and reducing whatever achievements people have made playing that role to nothing. And this 100% spills into the actual game itself, almost every single game sees “[role] diff” comments and people just being hyperfocused on themselves.
Maybe time has somehow made the memories more sweet but I think I never saw this kind of elitism in Overwatch 1 days. What happened?
teenagers are the ones that I run into occasionally saying slurs or cussing me out bc I’m not constantly nanoing them