Now, I enjoy automatic losses just as much as the next guy, but I feel bad for my 0-9-0 Yone mid who openly admitted that this is his second ever ranked game and the first one went just as poorly.

He doesn’t deserve to get flamed for being horribly out of his depth, when all he wanted to do was begin his ranked experience after practicing his favorite champion in normal games, against similarly skilled players.

Given That Gold 3 is top 50% according to, it seems very odd that we’re starting brand new accounts in lobbies that contain the top 20% of players.

Are we operating under the assumption that league is a dying game, and that there are more smurfs than legitimate new players?

Because that’s a dangerous (and stupid) philosophy, given Riots own data that the game’s population is actually growing.

If the inverse is true, and the game is actually growing, as per Riot, then starting players in plat is a flat out stupid decision that will ensure your game will slowly die if the new player experience remains this horrible.

  • bns18jsB
    10 months ago

    Because there are tons of smurfs. If you place smurfs in iron they’ll ruin even more games then they already are.

    • ToplanersOPB
      10 months ago

      Nobody is suggesting putting them in iron.

      Put them in low gold, slightly below average.

      In your placements, you pretty much jump a whole division, gold -> plat in terms of mmr from one win, so smurfs are out of low elo very quick.

      It’s better a smurf ruins 5 games than a new player ruins 20 games, gets flamed and quits playing.