10: Nice While it Lasted (I loved the finale. Bojack ultimately deserved to go to jail, but I believe that he would be better. His last conversations with each character were all a special mix of hopeful and heart-wrenching. The ending shot of him and Diane, just, wow)

9: Ruthie (Princess Carolyn is my favorite character, and this ep makes me so sad for her. She does everything she can to get what she wants and just can’t. The ending reveal in her call to Bojack left me speechless)

8: The Dog Days Are Over (Diane’s best episode, though Good Damage came really close. I loved the change of scenery with Vietnam, the examination of Diane’s character independent and in the wake of Mr. Peanutbutter, also was really funny. This one made me really sad, and felt so real in capturing the feeling of a divorce)

7: Fish Out of Water (Breathtaking. No dialogue, and yet this was easily one of the most emotionally resonant episodes of the show for me. The score is perfect, and Bojack’s misadventures with the baby seahorse struck a chord with me, as well as him trying to apologize to Kelsey, seeing him try to do good and getting nothing out of it. Also the end reveal is hilarious. Beautiful ep)

6: Escape From LA (Uniquely unsettling vibe to this one. It does such a good job of making the viewer feel uncomfortable throughout, yet hopeful that everything will be okay. Then the ending hits, and everything feels disgusting. That whole ending sequence, from Bojack turning Penny down, getting turned down by Charlotte, almost sleeping with Penny, the F bomb, then the title theme as Bojack goes back to LA is peak Bojack Horseman to me)

5: The Old Sugarman Place (The melding of the past and the present in this one is done incredibly well. Bojack, Honey and Eddie all have such sad stories. The I Will Always Think of You duet is mesmerizing, Honey’s lobotomy is heartbreaking. Eddie saying he doesn’t want to live, and Bojack subsequently destroying the house they just spent so long restoring, always stuck with me. This episode was pretty much perfect)

4: The View From Halfway Down (What can I say that hasn’t been said?)

3: Best Thing That Ever Happened (Again, PC is my favorite character, and her relationship with Bojack is my favorite in the show. Combine that with my bias for bottle episodes, and this couldn’t be any lower than the top 3 for me. This might be the best job the show ever did at perfectly balancing comedy and drama, the restaurant collapsing in absurdity around BJ and PC’s all-too-real fight. The ending is a gut-punch too)

2: Free Churro (As someone with mother issues, this one hit me like a goddamn semi. Just Bojack sorting through his grief and conflicting feelings on his parents, uninterrupted, for 26 minutes. The whole thing is heartrending. The ICU revelation hit me even though I predicted it the first time he said those words. Also the end gag is hysterical. This one is so quotable too. “I’m your son. All I had was you” “My mother is dead, and everything is worse now”)

1: Time’s Arrow (I made a post about this episode when I first watched it, so I won’t write an essay here, but my feelings haven’t changed. These 26 minutes changed the way I saw the entire series. This is the only episode to truly make me cry. That is all)

HMs to The Showstopper, That’s Too Much Man, Stupid Piece of Shit, Good Damage, The Face of Depression, Downer Ending, and Mr. PB’s Boos

Thoughts? What are your favorites? Would love to hear from people

Edit: Sorry for the super long post BTW, just had to get some thoughts out after finishing this masterpiece show