Why is no one playing Nilah?

She has a 0.3% play-rate, even though she should be a „modern“ champion with her high mobility with the double dash and playmaking opportunities with her R combos.

Also she completly counters a lot of meta champs like Kai‘Sa (60% WR against her) and can go with pretty much any engage/enchanter support.

I think a lot of people don‘t know you have to max E first to unleash her full potential, stat- and mobility-wise it‘s way stronger than the classic Q max.

  • VerburnerB
    10 months ago

    Her Q is just a terrible design imo. It’s very easy to hit and can be proc’d on minions and has 100%uptime pretty quickly, so it never feels like the massive bonus stats are a reward, but rather her normal attacks and you are punished for ever messing up/running out of mana. Missing Q once and having no autos for ~3 seconds is incredibly frustrating. It’s another case like Ivern/Rell where she’ll never be popular, even when strong, but a mini rework to make her less frustrating to pilot would go a long way.