It literally doesnt let us play what we want.

My buddy selected top as his first and sup as his second position. I locked in mid and adc.

Were covering 4 out of 5 lanes. Not viable says riot. Must choose something else. Buddy changes his top to adc (which I already got) and suddenly we can look for games. After some more switching around it turns out hes not allowed to play top as his first pick no matter what his second or both of my picks are.

Someone please explain to me why blindpick mode was replaced by this garbage.

Its not just that you cant play what you want, but you cant talk with your team pregame nor see what others pick or what spells they take. And it makes selecting your champ even harder, because its actually changing stuff on its own. If I change the role on my first pick, then change the champ, it changes the role back to what it was before and resets the runes and spells. If I change the champ first and the role second, it still changes the spells and runes.

This mode is worse than blindpick in every way. It doesnt even stop people from trolling on your lane aka “I was first top” because many still fuck up in the selection and end up with a Yi as Support or a Jhin with smite.

Who even wanted that?? If you dont like talking to your team, play draft.

Just give me blindpick back…

  • cI0udB
    10 months ago

    Yah there’s so many issues with it right now. Hopefully riot fixes them