This is the third (and last) part of the Wayland driver Vulkan subseries (part 10 subseries):

  1. Implement vkQueuePresentKHRand support reporting VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHRand VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST_KHR.
  2. Misc. enhancements/fixes to ensure the subsurface containing the vulkan rendering is displayed properly.
  3. Implement a couple of remaining Vulkan functions.

With this MR you can start enjoying some of your games with the Wayland driver (either directly with Vulkan or with a D3D->Vulkan translation). Please note, however, that we don’t currently support what’s needed for mouselook (you will currently get erratic view movement), so most first-person 3D games are not playable yet.


  • adalteOPB
    10 months ago

    The most logical answer (without being technical) would be the transition between Wayland to XWayland, e.g. Gamescope. The transition has a latency, a small one but it exists.

    As /u/VastAd8540 mentions too, Nvidia proprietary drivers doesn’t support XWayland that well, so a native Wayland goes a long way for usable drivers.

    The benefits of modern technologies that Wayland is suitable for (and less so for X11 because X11 was created in an era for a different mindset, XWayland is a middle ground for a more secure X11 environment), maybe not implemented yet though…