For those who’ve lived in both Europe and the USA, I would like to hear your take. What do you love about each place, and what drawbacks have you noticed? Whether it’s the Old World charm of Europe or the dynamic lifestyle in the USA, spill the beans. In the end, what was the game-changer that made you pick one over the other and if you could share the decision-making behind your preferred choice.

  • thesogB
    10 months ago

    I like Germany and think it’s better than the US in a lot of ways for example the work culture, walkable cities, safety, EU food regulations, etc. BUT one thing I find frustrating about it here is the lack of full acceptance. I will never be considered part of the “in group”. I’ll always be the American guy. Even if I speak perfect German, get citizenship, and take part in all of the cultural traditions. The same can be said for anyone who grows up here if both parents aren’t ethnically German. I’ve met lots of people who grew up in Germany and have one parent from another country and they talk about how they aren’t considered German by society. Due to my American upbringing I find that sad and don’t want that for my daughter so I’m always on the fence about leaving here.

    Also I miss the sun. It’s something I never thought of living in the states but November to March is depressing when almost everyday is cloudy, rainy, or snowy (though I do love those days).

    Salaries for my field are better in the US as well.