Just a BS browser notification, gotta go in your browsers’ settings and remove or block any shady sites you’ve given permission to show notifications
These are notifications from your browser. Go to the notification settings and disable all and any notifications from Safari that you don’t know what they are.
Your Mac is fine.
Man, Safari is so crap. You have to disable all browser notifications to get rid of the issue instead of actually fixing it lmfao
maybe try a specific site that checks your macbook for viruses. i think it’s very wise that you haven’t clicked on that yes
They are just browser pop ups. It happens when you press ok to enable notifications. Just turn them off lol it’s not a big deal
If I got 1p for every time one of these posts appears on my Reddit feed I’d be a billionaire.
Sooo usually the only reason you get these pop ups is when you visit certain adult sites lol.