Freezing a Lane by Attacking: In most games, attacking minions pushes the wave, right? In League, repeatedly attacking the enemy minions to keep them just outside your turret range can create a “frozen” lane, denying your opponent farm and making them susceptible to ganks.

  • Final_Foot_FuckerB
    1 year ago

    that’s literally not how you freeze a lane bruh. you only attack the creeps whenever you want to thin out the wave after you already setup a freeze, otherwise you just try to hold aggro for a few seconds waiting for your wave to arrive so the opponents waves will merge and just do that ad-infinitum.

    One thing that is unintuitive is Ezreal’s E. The short delay on the spell is supposed to be a drawback to having a spell as powerful as a Blink on-demand, yet it due to how skills that affect your characters position works, it ended up being essentially a spellshield against hooks.

    Same applies to Kassadin and Urgot and some other niche champs, but Ezreal is the main culprit, I’d say.