While a lot of people have different opinions regard the booing, I think the players were right to stick up for their teammate. At the time it’s okay for some fans to disagree with a two QB game plan/wanting to see Levis play. However, I think we can all agree Malik Willis is a great guy and if the reasoning was the coaching decision and not the player, we should show it somehow and in some way apologize a bit for the stray Willis caught. Show him some support.

The Titans had a food drive for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle TN at the stadium today. So, I think we as titans fan should donate 7 items this week to Second Harvest, as a way to show our support for the team and Malik in a way that positively helps our community. Take all this negative attention and channel it into something positive.

If you’re not in Middle TN, I’m sure there are other food banks near you that could use the donation.