Hello, I am trying for a long time to find alternatives to move away from google photos as my personal photos and videos continues to grow I am fearing the headache it will be to migrate to another service (have about 10-15k photos and videos its probably getting closer to 100gb or over by now).

For alternatives from what I have seen mentioned a good one would be a nas like a synology one and using its app for photos but I’m still unconvinced thats the best option for my usage, partially due to the high upfront cost but also because I just need 300-500gb of storage for photos and nothing else which is what brings me to the reason I am posting here, to ask about the feasibility of another alternative I have also seen people talking about which is a vps + a storage box that one can mount on the vps and where I can use something like photoprism or immich.

Could this be a good budget solution? Or is it too technical and even unsafe if you are not super advanced into this stuff? Ty in advance!