My company uses Apple ID as a means of authentication – all devices used for work are required to have an Apple ID associated with the company. However, I have a personal apple ID that is already associated with lots of important things (such as my last 20 years of apps, music, pictures etc.), as well as my family account (of which I am the Organizer).

Not wanting to give up my personal Apple ID has meant that I have needed to have multiple devices (2 phones and 2 ipads), which are cumbersome to carry around and which pull my attention in different directions. I am also not able to sync my calendars across them as I would like, and can only attach one to my apple watch. This does not seem like a tenable situation in the long run.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manage this? As far as I can tell, it is not possible to have two Apple IDs on a single phone, but I don’t see any other way to avoid having two devices. Anyone got interesting solutions?