First of all english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.

I started following this team around 2013/2014 and during the Jim Boylen days I remember thinking “This clearly is the bottom of the barrel, it can’t possibly be worse”. From getting absolutely destroyed by the Celtics at home, to just seeing everything happening backstage, those were clearly dark days. The thing was, I also remember thinking “well, this absolutely sucks, but such is the tanking life, better days are ahead, with a few good picks, we can turn things around”. So we had some awful seasons but it was all going to be worth it and what happened? We had a great start in the 21/22 season, finally some good times ahead. At the end of regular season the wheels fell apart and we ended up almost getting swept by the Bucks in the first round. Not ideal but surely next season is going to be better? Went to the Play-In and got eliminated. So now here we are at the 23/24 season and we are pretty much doing the same thing we were doing before with Boylen, but now, it doesn’t feel like that was the plan. At least under Boylen the tanking was assumed and I was okay with it, but now? It just feels like there is no plan. We could be trash for another 5 years, there is no end-goal. Seeing teams that were in the same situation as us 4 years ago doing better just feels like salt in the wound.

At the moment I see the Blackhawks and although if we see the table things look alike at least I have some hope for them in the coming years, with the Bulls, not so much