I don’t personally leave QP but it might help if the matchmaking didn’t result in constant steamrolls where one team gets like 3 kills total and the enemy team all have like 32-1
Yeah but when you’re put in a match with bronzes and top 500s it will never be fun to begin with. My fun matters more than other people’s fun.
Agreed. I still see far too many leavers in QP.
I would love a new mode that is similar to competitive, but without the rank. So we’d have Quick Play: For doing whatever and leaving is not that frowned upon, short games and much like it is now.
Unranked: Exact same format as competitive, but no ranking-system. So, no leaving without a penalty and a bit more strict in terms of what is expected of players, but still, no rank lost. Where you learn to play ranked.
Ranked: Like it is now, hopefully minus the toxic ones (dare to dream) and because of unranked also maybe minus the new players just getting into a serious game.
The quick players who want to leave and goof around and do whatever get theirs, and the ones who enjoy a serious game of Overwatch without the insanely toxic overtones get theirs.
damn this probably means they wont be walking back the rework to the report system they made at the same time, sad to see. guess ill continue to abuse it while its still there.
I only leave unbalanced matches where we get destroyed instantly. It’s kind of annoying waiting 5 seconds to leave and then being banned for 3 seconds. Just makes the tilt worse lmao
Had literally 10 leavers in my qp match to night. Yes, theyd keep filling and people kept leaving.
I honestly didn’t know they had penalties for leaving in QP. Cause me and my friends have been screaming about this. You should at least get a 10 minute queue ban. If you’ve got something important, legitimate to do and have to leave, then you’re not gonna be back in 10 minutes anyway. So, people who leave to just requeue get an instant smack.
But glad to see that Blizzard also thinks it might be a bit too lenient.
Finally, some good news
I agree, it is still too lenient. Still so many quitters
I’ve had internet issues that kept disconnecting me from games and had no consequences (while I think issues outside the persons controls should be exempt, they’re currently not. So it is effectively the same as if I’d quit) and I should’ve gotten at least an hour ban
I think just quitting 2 games in a row should automatically give a 10 minute ban. And that number should go up each time you do it