For example, if I am low GM I should not be getting offroled into bot lane when my primarily role is mid AND have to play in a game where 3/4 of the players in my lane are challenger and 1 of them is an LCS adc.

I think having to play secondary and offrole is healthy for the game for the most part, it’s better if players have to play roles other than their main one because it encourages them to get more familiar with the game and it indirectly improves their gameplay on their main role. However it’s neither competitive nor fun when your opponent laner is more than 400 LP above you (the equivalent of an entire tier) and there’s nothing you can really do except hope the other players on your team randomly pop off and carry.

I don’t mind playing my secondary role or even an offrole because everyone had to play all roles back in the day before they introduced role queueing but if I am going to get a role that isn’t my main, I should be matched vs someone who is near my skill level at least, otherwise the game is just not competitive at all.

I understand that matchmaking has to make concessions sometimes, especially during off hours when there aren’t that many people queueing but I really would not mind waiting an extra 5-10 minutes for a fairer game instead of one where I feel absolutely doomed in load screen.